

Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to book with The Lodging Company?
Nothing! The Lodging Company doesn’t charge any kind of booking fee so we can keep our prices low. Our rates are competitive and we offer personalized service, customizable vacations, and discounted lift tickets.
If I have a problem at a property, can I call my TLC Travel Agent for help?
Absolutely! We are available 364 days a year, so whether you’re just starting to plan a holiday, getting ready to head to your destination, or you’re needing some in-resort assistance, we’re here and happy to help.
I want to take an amazing ski vacation. Where do I start?
Please see our Getting Started page for a helpful beginner’s guide to vacation planning. It’s a great place to start!
When is the best time to book? How early can I book?
When booking any vacation it’s best to start planning as early as possible and booking as soon as you can. This will ensure that you find the perfect accommodations for your vacation as opposed to choosing from what’s left. The busy holiday times such as Christmas, New Years, Spring Break, etc, are often booked months in advance, so if you want to escape for the holidays, we recommend booking 6+ months before your vacation start date.
I am new to skiing/snowboarding, what resort do you recommend?
We all have to start somewhere, and choosing a beginner friendly mountain is a great place to start. We recommend one of the following resorts as they have multiple green runs:
  • Sun Peaks
  • Big White
  • Silver Star
  • Norquay
  • Aspen (Buttermilk)
  • Sun Valley (Dollar Mountain)
  • Winter Park
Can I rent ski or snowboard gear?
Certainly! If you are traveling from afar, renting equipment can make the journey more enjoyable. Renting is a great way to try out some new or different gear, and many rental companies offer online rentals and delivery with a pick-up service for when you’re finished. It adds a totally relaxed perk to the ski vacation of your dreams. If you prefer your own gear, most airlines are equipped to handle ski and snowboard gear for an extra fee.
What can I expect for a Ski In/Ski Out property?
It can sometimes mean a short walk from your property/unit. Most of the time it means being able to ski directly to a lift from your door and ski back to your property/unit at the end of your day. This is very convenient for families with small children.
If I can see a property on the website, does that mean it is available for me to book?
Unfortunately, no. Our website shows thousands of properties from all of our property management companies, and because of this we aren’t able to show live availibility. You can enter your dates and a resort you wish to stay at and then you will be shown options. When you see something you like you can call in to speak to one of our agents or fill out a request for availability form.
If I am interested in looking into 5 properties, should I request availability for each of them?
There are a couple options. You can send a request for each property, or you can pick your top 1-2 and wait to speak to your agent. We have trained agents to help you find exactly what you’re looking for, so take advantage of our knowledge and proficiency!
What do your room ratings mean?
Our star rating is to help you evaluate a property based on luxury and finish. A 5-star property is one that has been renovated/updated recently, so the decor and appliances will be top-notch. The room ratings can be a great way to narrow down your property searches; however, don’t discredit the rooms with fewer stars. Some of these units might have their rating based on rustic or vintage decor.
Can I bring my pet?
Some of our properties are pet-friendly! Please let your agent know if Fido is coming on vacation with you so we can help you find the perfect accommodation. We want to stress the importance of ensuring you have a pet-friendly booking before you bring your furry friend. The properties that offer pet-friendly rooms have a certain number of units set aside for pets and these rooms are often in high demand. Please don’t bring your pet unless you know you have a pet-friendly room booked.
Can I buy lift tickets at a discounted rate with TLC?
Yes you can! We offer discounted lift tickets to clients who have purchased their lodging with us.
What is the Best Rate Guarantee?
Feel confident knowing that you will always get the best available rate when booking with The Lodging Company directly. We take pride in our rates and shop the competition regularly to ensure we are advertising the best price at all times. If you do encounter a lower rate for the exact same room type in the same property prior to or within 24 hours of booking your stay, simply contact us with a link to the web page displaying the lower rate. If we can’t match the advertised price including taxes, we’ll refund your stay! We do not match against “direct from owner” properties.
Why doesn’t your site show me that there is a minimum number of nights?
We can have multiple property managers that operate in the same building. Minimum night requirements differ for each property manager and can change with the time of year.
Can I purchase travel insurance, and what does it cover?
Travel insurance is recommended to all clients and, in most cases, can be included with your vacation package. Please inquire with your agent as to whether insurance is available to you. Travel insurance covers the cost of your non-refundable, prepaid travel arrangements. Travel protection gives travellers coverage for unforeseen problems — from a cancelled flight to a serious illness. If an illness, accident, or other covered circumstance forces a traveller to cancel or interrupt their plans, they face two major financial losses: money invested in non-refundable prepayments and medical expenses that, in many instances, may not be covered by health insurance. At The Lodging Company, our agents are licensed travel insurance representatives so you can feel confident that they can answer your questions and ensure that your investment is properly protected.
What is your cancellation policy?
Each property management company has a different cancellation policy, and these policies differ depending on the time of year. Your agent will have the specific details for the property you’re interested in.
What if I have a question that isn’t answered here?
If we didn’t answer your question, please don’t hesitate to ask. Our Contact Us page is the best way to get your question to us. Once there, you will find all our phone numbers and an online message form. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible!